Tecnologia, programação e muito Visual FoxPro.

domingo, 26 de julho de 2009

Re: ]] XL-mania [[ two coloum password with different password....excel 2003


in worksheets' protection  we have single password only for 1 sheet,
(maksodku : di sheets, kita hanya punya 1 password untuk 1 sheet
yaitu ketika kita memproteksi worksheet)

no password for specific range.
(maksodku : dari sono-nya, Range itu ndak bisa dipasangi password,
kalo dipasangi "susuk" mungkin bisa...)

so you have to do this task (pass word for difference columns) by makro
(maksodku: jadi kerjaan spt itu kayaknya hanya bisa di kerjakan
dengan makroh..)
Colek Me If I'm Wrong

assuming: Column_1 = C column, Column_2 = E column

'===makro in Standard MODULE===

Public Const SheetPswd As String = "ZIGEN"  '<<-- please reName
Public Const passC As String = "passforC"   '<<-- please reName
Public Const passE As String = "passforE"   '<<-- please reName
Public isEditC As Boolean
Public isEditE As Boolean

Function UserValidation(ColNo As Integer) As Boolean
Dim pswd As String
Dim passX As String

passX = IIf(ColNo = 3, passC, passE)
pswd = InputBox("Your Password for this column editing:", _
"User Validation",
UserValidation = IIf(pswd = passX, True, False)
End Function

'=== makro in Object Module for Sheet1 ====
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 3 Then
If isEditC = False Then
If UserValidation(Target.Column) Then
Me.Unprotect SheetPswd
Me.Cells.Locked = True
Range("C:C").Locked = False
isEditC = True
isEditE = False
MsgBox "Wrong Password !!", 48, "UserValidation"
End If
End If
ElseIf Target.Column = 5 Then
If isEditE = False Then
If UserValidation(Target.Column) Then
Me.Unprotect SheetPswd
Me.Cells.Locked = True
Range("E:E").Locked = False
isEditE = True
isEditC = False
MsgBox "Wrong Password !!", 48, "UserValidation"
End If
End If
ElseIf Target.Column <> 3 Or Target.Column <> 5 Then
Me.Unprotect SheetPswd
Me.Cells.Locked = True
isEditC = False
isEditE = False
Me.Protect SheetPswd
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()
Me.Protect SheetPswd
End Sub

Om-Om members,
tolong dong bilangin ke bule ini, untuk lebih amannya
VBA-projectnya bisa di LOCK-FOR-VIEWING
supaya user ndak bisa ngintip variable password-nya...

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Zigen X <zigenx@yahoo.com.sg> wrote:

HI XL Mania,
How to create two different password protected coloum ?
Password should be different because it will be edited by two different users...
Please explain and thanks in advance......refer to the attachment for more info...

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