Tecnologia, programação e muito Visual FoxPro.

quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2010

Re: ]] XL-mania [[ Data Tabel tanggal dari buku


Mengkonversi text-image menjadi dokumen (editable data) dapat dilakukan
dengan software OCR yg dapat diunduh dari inet (ada yg gratisan, ada yg
bayaran, yg bayaran biasanya lebih seriyus)
tetapi sebetulnya, "katanya..", di dalam Suite MS OFFICE 2003 sudah ada
  • Microsoft Office Document Imaging
  • Microsoft Office Ducument Scanning
yg termasuk dlm kelompok Microsoft Office Tools:
Cara kita menginstal MS Office dapat mempengaruhi terinstall / tidak terinstal - nya
program ini.
Kalau kita buka 'MSO Doc Imaging' dan kita ceklik helpnya
( di bab "About MSO Doc Imaging" ), terbaca sbb:

About Microsoft Office Document Imaging

With Microsoft Office Document Imaging, you can use a scanned document as easily as other Microsoft Office documents on your computer.

You can:

  • Scan both single and multi-page documents.
  • Perform optical character recognition (OCR).
  • Copy and export scanned text and images to Microsoft Word.
  • Read a scanned document as easily as a paper document.
  • Search for text within scanned documents.
  • Reorganize scanned document pages as easily as rearranging papers in a folder.
  • Send scanned documents to others in e-mail or as a fax over the internet.
  • Annotate scanned documents and faxes.

When should you use Microsoft Office Document Imaging?

Use Microsoft Office Document Imaging when you want to:

  • Access and work with the text or images contained in scanned documents or faxes.
  • Extract the text from existing scanned documents or faxes for archiving.
  • Rearrange the page order of multi-page scanned documents.
  • Read scanned documents quickly and easily on the screen.
  • Annotate an electronic fax and return it to the sender
Mudah-mudahan penjelasan seadanya ini ada manfaatnya...
("lebih lanjutnya" tentu akan lebih jelas bila kita sempat browsing ke situs microsoft.)

----- Original Message -----
From: Tigor Agustinus Simanjuntak
To: XL-mania@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 10:08 AM
Subject: ]] XL-mania [[ Data Tabel tanggal dari buku

Mohon maaf sebelumnya para master XL,

Saya adalah pekerja di Gereja yang menginginkan update terbaru data dari Buku Induk.
Adakah program / macro yang bisa merubah dari hasil scanning ke excel.
Sekian dan terimakasih.

+-:: XL-mania ::::::::::::::::::::----------------------------------+
| Member ke 13,013 siapa ya? Sini mau dikirimin coklat :D           |
| Member ke 31,031 dapet iPod dehh.... :D :D :D                     |  
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| Buat subjek yang kreatif, jangan : "tanya", "help", "mohon bantu" |
| Usahakan besar attachment < 200 kb. Gunakan  winzip  jika  perlu. |
| Ajak teman-teman Anda bergabung dengan mengirim e-mail kosong ke  |
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/XL-mania/files/Promotion/           |
| Berikan testimoni di : http://www.friendster.com/xlmania atau...  |
| http://www.xl-mania.com/2008/06/testimoni-xl-mania.html           |
| Message lama ada di :                                             |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/XL-mania/messages [perlu yahoo id]  |
| http://www.mail-archive.com/xl-mania@yahoogroups.com              |


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