Tecnologia, programação e muito Visual FoxPro.

quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012

Re: ]] XL-mania [[ Active Macros on Share Workbook


Workbook yg sudah di set sebagai 'Share Workbook' akan berkurang beberapa fitures nya, artinya dia mengalami keterbatasan-keterbatasan. Berikut ini adalah daftarnya

Features that are not supported in a shared workbook





Create an Excel table


Insert or delete blocks of cells

You can insert entire rows and columns.

Delete worksheets


Merge cells or split merged cells


Add or change conditional formats

Existing conditional formats continue to appear as cell values change, but you can't change these formats or redefine the conditions.

Add or change data validation

Cells continue to be validated when you type new values, but you can't change existing data validation settings.

Create or change charts or PivotChart reports

You can view existing charts and reports.

Insert or change pictures or other objects

You can view existing pictures and objects.

Insert or change hyperlinks

Existing hyperlinks continue to work.

Use drawing tools

You can view existing drawings and graphics.

Assign, change, or remove passwords

Existing passwords remain in effect.

Protect or unprotect worksheets or the workbook

Existing protection remains in effect.

Create, change, or view scenarios


Group or outline data

You can continue to use existing outlines.

Insert automatic subtotals

You can view existing subtotals.

Create data tables

You can view existing data tables.

Create or change PivotTable reports

You can view existing reports.

Write, record, change, view, or assign macros

You can run existing macros that don't access unavailable features. You can record shared workbook operations into a macro stored in another nonshared workbook.

Add or change Microsoft Excel 4 dialog sheets


Change or delete array formulas

Existing array formulas continue to calculate correctly.

Use a data form to add new data

You can use a data form to find a record.

Work with XML data, including:


Import, refresh, and export XML data

Add, rename, or delete XML maps

Map cells to XML elements

Use the XML Source task pane, XML toolbar, or XML commands on the Data menu

Walau MAKRO sepertinya tidak dilarang jalan di 'Share Workbook' tetapi jika makronya mengandung perintah &/ statement yg akan melakukan hal hal yg tidak bisa dilakukan terhadap 'Share Workbook' tentunya akan menimbulkan pesan kesalahan dan perintah &/ statement tidak terlaksana.

Mungkin penyebabnya antara lain spt itu (sambil menunggu comments Oom Kid yg sedang sibuk...)


2012/5/31 gilangpatriot <gilangpatriot@yahoo.com>

Mas Muhib,
Apa yg Mas sebutkan sudah saya lakukan..dan itu memang setting untuk aktifkan macros,..
Macros berjalan dengan baik dan ini program memang sudah jadi dari "Pakar" nya juga...Hanya saja program ini mau saya share ke SERVER agar bisa digunakan oleh seluruh karyawan.
Ketika setting "Share workbook" pada "review" menu di aktifkan, maka muncullah message yang disebut pada posting sebelumnya,...

Mohon bantuannya lagi..

--- In XL-mania@yahoogroups.com, moheb boellah <brohebnol@...> wrote:
> mas Gilang,
> di PC dimana data anda dishare, Macro sepertinya belum di_set Enable. Caranya spt berikut:
> Buka MS Excel
> Buka Excel Option,
> Setelah muncul dialog box Excel Option, klik Trust Center, pilih Trust Center Settings..
> Kemudian di dialog box Trust Center, klik Macro Settings, pilih Enable All Macros & thick mark 
> Trust access to the VBA project object model.
> Tinggal klik Ok & Ok lagi...
> Buka file yang menggunakan Macro.. semoga macro sudah bisa dijalankan.
> Oya, meski di PC yang sama, jika User Account_nya beda, juga mesti diset enable terlebih dahulu.
> Regards,
> Muhib
> ________________________________
> Dari: Gilang Patriot <gilangpatriot@...>
> Dikirim: Senin, 28 Mei 2012 12:27 
> "Bagaimana caranya agar Macros tetap bisa dibaca maupun edit jika file di sharing.
> Setelah file dishare di Review---Share workbookâ€"
> Muncul informasi :
> "This workbook contains macros recorded or written in visual basic. Macros
> cannot viewed or edited in shared workbooks"
> Walau saya OK kan, tapi macro tetap tidak bekerja, muncul message "Run-time
> error `1004': Unprotect method of worksheet class failed"
> Mohon infonya bagaimana cara mensetting agar macro tetap jalan saat workbook di-sharing.
> Mohon maaf jika topik ini sudah dibahas,
> terimakasih atas bantuannya
> salam
> gilang

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