Tecnologia, programação e muito Visual FoxPro.

domingo, 22 de janeiro de 2012

Re: ]] XL-mania [[ Bgmana agar: Custom_Nurmber_Format buatan kita selalu tersedia ?


Prinsipnya begini, pak Kopral..

Custom Number Formatting (yg sudah kita buat) dapat disimpan di suatu workbook tertentu.

Jika workbook itu akan sering dibuka lagi, maka simpanlah sebagai TEMPLATE (xlt / xltx / xltm)

Jika template itu ingin anda jadikan DEFAULT BOOK setiap kali anda buka excel
maka template harus diberi nama KHUSUS yaitu BOOK untuk workbook; SHEET untuk worksheet
(akan menjadi default sheet jika kita menginsert sheet baru)
Selain NAMA KHUSUS, juga harus ditaruh di Folder yg Khusus pula : XLStart

lihat posting lawas:

Kebetulan beberapa waktu y.l. penjelasannya yg cukup okay sudah ada yg menuliskan.
Daripada kita menuliskan dengan bahasa terbata-bata dan bisa salah istilah (maklum bukan MVP)
berikut ini saya kutipkan saja news letter dari Frances Hayes (Excel Tips)

Make Your Custom Number Formats Available To All New Workbooks

If you frequently use custom number formats, you have probably been frustrated that each time you need to use them in another workbook, you have to recreate them from scratch. 

Or maybe you've figured out that you can simply copy a cell containing the custom format from one workbook to another to make it available in that workbook.

Well, here's a way to make your custom number formats instantly available in all of your new workbooks.

If you've already created custom default worksheet and workbook templates using the tip in mySeptember 28th newsletter, use these steps below to modify your existing templates. If you have yet to create default worksheet and workbook templates, now you're going to.

1) Open a blank workbook;

2) Delete all sheet tabs except for Sheet1;

3) Define all of your favourite custom number formats in this sheet. While you're at it, you can also change the default cell format and Print Settings as described in my 
September 28th newsletter newsletter;

5) Select cell A1 to make it the active cell for each new sheet;

6) Next, you need to save this custom worksheet as the default worksheet template in the XLSTART folder. From the File tab, click Save As. (In Excel 2007, click the Office Button,Save AsOther Formats). In the Save as Type dropdown on the bottom of the dialog box, select Excel Template (*.xltx). Next, type or 'copy and paste'
%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART into the File Name field and press Enter to open the XLSTART folder. Change the suggested file name to SHEET.XLTX. This will be the default sheet used when you insert a worksheet into a workbook;

Note: If you prefer your new workbooks to have more than one sheet, copy the current sheet by holding down the CTRL key and dragging the sheet tab to the right and releasing the button. Rename the new sheet tabs to Sheet 2, Sheet 3, etc...;

7) Now you will save this same custom worksheet as your default 'workbook' template just by saving it with a different file name. To do this, simply repeat Step 6 but this time save the workbook with the filename BOOK.XLTX.

rom now on, whenever you open a new workbook or insert a sheet into a workbook, all of your custom setting will already be there for you. No more need to recreate these settings every time.

penjelasan selesai !
bubar jalan !
Briptu iHaps 

2012/1/20 kopral_joko_kendil <jokendil@rocketmail.com>

Xl-maniawan, Xl-maniawati yg ceria...
Bagiku, terkadang cukup sulit untuk membuat sebuah Custom Number
Formatting. Tetapi setiap kita membuka workbook baru, pekerjaan itu
seperti sia-sia, karena custom_number_format "ciptaan-ku" itu tiada
lagi di kotaknya, kabur entah kemana..

Mohon saran dan penjelasan para Jendral & pada Perwira Tinggi Penggiat
Excel, maupun dari XL-maniawan & XL-maniawati...
bagaimana cara mengatur (setting atau cara apa saja) agar koleksi Custom_Number_Formatting tetap awet berada di kotaknya.
Saya menggunakan excel 2003 maupun 2007.

Terima kasih & salam hormat,
Kopral Joko Siap! menerima pencerahan..
Pertanyaan selesai !

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