Tecnologia, programação e muito Visual FoxPro.

domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011

[Access VBA Central] 1 Form used to open Multiple Tabs


1 Form used to open Multiple Tabs

I have a requirement that I have 1 form with it's current design. The form is called frmClient

Is there a way to have buttons 1-5 on top that say btnClient1, btnClient2, btnClient3, btnClient4, btnClient5

When the user clicks on button 1 it opens frmClient in a new tab (tab1) with new or all records?

When the user clicks on button 2 it opens frmClient in a new tab (tab2) with new or all records?

When the user clicks on button 3 it opens frmClient in a new tab (tab3) with new or all records?

etc up to btnClient5


The way i have it working is i made frmClient1 as the master, save as frmClient2, frmClient3 ... up to 5. I have 5 copies of the same form.
When they click the buttons it's relating back to each form. I know this is a MAJOR design flaw but not sure how to resolve.

Please help :)

Thanks in advance!


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