Tecnologia, programação e muito Visual FoxPro.

quarta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2010

Re: ]] XL-mania [[ Nilai max dari 2 kolom dari 2 sheet


="N"&MAX( MAX((LEFT(Sheet1!A1:A5,1)="N"*REPLACE(Sheet1!A1:A5,1,1,"")),MAX((LEFT(Sheet2!A1:A5,1)="N"*REPLACE(Sheet2!A1:A5,1,1,"")))
Array Formula.

On 12/21/10, Mr. Kid <mr.nmkid@gmail.com> wrote:
> Coba array formula (akhiri dengan menekan Ctrl Shift Enter) :
> ="N" & max(1*if(left(sheet1!a1:a5)="N",right(sheet1!a1:a5,3)) ,1 *if(left(sheet2!a1:a5)="N",right(sheet2!a1:a5,3))
> Kid.
> 2010/12/20 prasetyo yustinus <Yustinus_Hery@yahoo.com>
>> Dear all master..
>> Mohon bantuan untuk

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