Tecnologia, programação e muito Visual FoxPro.

quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011

Re: ]] XL-mania [[ cara mengaktifkan macro pada excel 2007


Dear Melky,
Cukup tekan F1 ketik "makro settings" lihat petunjuk.. berikut bocoran helep excel:
alternatif pertama:
View my security settings in the Trust Center

The Trust Center is where you can find security and privacy settings for the 2007 Microsoft Office system programs. The Very High, High, Medium, and Low security levels that were used in earlier versions of Office are now replaced with a more streamlined security system.

  1. Do the following in these 2007 Microsoft Office system programs:
    Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Access
    1. Click the Microsoft Office Button Button image, and then click Program Name Options, where Program Name is the name of the program you are in, for example, Word Options.
    2. Click Trust Center, and then click Trust Center Settings.
Click the security area that you want.


Alternatif ke dua:

Tip  In Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you can open the macro security settings dialog box from the Developer tab in the Ribbon. If the Developer tab is not available, click the Microsoft Office Button Button image, and then click Program Name Options, where Program Name is the name of the program you are in, for example, Word Options. Click Popular, and then select the Show Developer tab in the Ribbon check box.




----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 5:30 PM
Subject: ]] XL-mania [[ cara mengaktifkan macro pada excel 2007


Salam Para Excel Mania,

Malu bertanya tidak akan tahu, betul apa betul, saya anggota baru di exel mania, mau nanya kalo untuk mengaktifkan macro pada exel 2007 gimana ya caranya ? Mohon pencerahannya.

Terima kasih.


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