Tecnologia, programação e muito Visual FoxPro.

quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011

Re:]] XL-mania [[ Problem With Excel


Afternoon stillvirginhuh (some of your english name) 

if that just happen to "some" file, then you dont need to change your registry such you did
just try to open excell first"just excell / no file",  then choose open dialog
(small arrow beside "open")
and choose open and repair, repair, or something there (just choose you feel best :P)

hope can help yuuu


Ibnu Widiasa

From: ratu elissa <masihgadisnih@gmail.com>
To: XL-mania@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, March 22, 2011 4:22:56 PM
Subject: ]] XL-mania [[ Problem With Excel

hi all excel expert,

i have a problem on my excel files, when i try to open and some to close it, it pop up a massage " Recover my work and restart Microsoft Office Excel". i have try to uninstall office 2007 and reinstall it again, but the problem also the same for somr of my file. may i know is there someone out there can help me solve this problem. thanks

begitu juga dengan office 2003 tetep juga sama, 

saya juga sudah mencoba untuk run regedit:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\BtOfficeAddin.BtOfficeIntegration.1 and after that set the LoadBehaviour value to 3. This worked for me.

seperti yang mbah google bilang tetapi tetep aja problem-nya sama

Mohon bantuannya, 


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