Tecnologia, programação e muito Visual FoxPro.

sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011

Re: ]] XL-mania [[ I want ask how to combines several columns


dear micho_,

see if it help

 =OFFSET($A$1,ROW()*2-3,0)&" "&
  OFFSET($A$1,ROW()*2-3,1)&", "&
  OFFSET($A$1,ROW()*2-2,0)&", "&
  OFFSET($A$1,ROW()*2-2,1)&", "&

jakarta 18 febr 2011
best regards,
"city" (?)

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:30 PM, micho_icho@ymail.com <micho_icho@ymail.com> wrote:
I want ask how to combines several columns so in to 1 column? For example:
1 column is 1st name with a second columns is second name
in 1st column is address 1 and second column is address 2 With the third column is address 3?

There again, the insert in a column there are 300 rows, then every row in front of him going on the input 3-digit numbers, how do y ,.?????

Thanks for helping y

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