Tecnologia, programação e muito Visual FoxPro.

quinta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2010

]] XL-mania [[ pertanyaan bilingual.... the answer will be bilingual?


Yth para ExcelMania....!!
Gimana yagh caranya klo kasusnya kayak..:
saya ingin membuat Format analisa umur piutang
misalnya di kolom A1 saya mau menjumlahkan berdasarkan: kriteria pertama "kode pelanggan", kriteria kedua diambil dari kolom Umur dg syarat umurnya "antara 1 sampai 30".......... di kolom B1 kriteria keduanya "antara 31 sampai 60"....... dan seterusnya.....
saya pakai SUMIFS tp saya bingung untuk nentukan kriteria kedua yaitu jumlah jika umurnya sekian sampai sekian...???
Terima Kasih atas bantuannya.....!!

Designation of the ExcelMania ....!!
I want to make a format receivable aging analysis
for example in column A1 I want to add on: The first criteria for "customer code", the second criterion is taken from the column Age dg age requirement "between 1 to 30 ".......... in column B1 criteria for both "between 31 to 60 "....... and so on .....
I use my tp SUMIFS confused for a second criteria which determine the amount if his age so until all ...???
Thank you for your help .....!!

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